Hi-Tech Special Effect Dance Parties featuring Group Contests, Games, Line Dances, and a
live DJ.
PRIVACY POLICY This policy explains in
detail what information "Colors" along with its
affiliated companies (hereinafter "we", "us",
"our", "Colors") collect from you, and how we
use may use it.
We're big on privacy and simplicity. After 29 years we still
purposely utilize a basic html website. We store no cookies, and
ask for no data during your web browsing experience with us.
The only time you will be redirected from our website(to collect
data) is if you choose to make an online payment, but other than
that, your entire visit to our website is totally anonymous. No
data whatsoever is collected by us. We do not process payment
information by phone, we use an external company for that. This is
to secure that the only data we keep regarding you is the
information you give us during the scheduling process. We're big
on privacy and simplicity.
As one of the cornerstone purposes of our organization is family
and personal relationships, we do not support online booking or
date checking. There are also no online accounts or logins.
Scheduling parties and checking dates are still done with a live
person for maximum security and maximum personal involvement. We
are a people-oriented company and want a personal relationship
with our customers.
HOW WE COLLECT YOUR INFO: When you call to schedule
a party with us, we will ask for your name, address, email,
emergency phone number, and specific details about your event. As
we utilize verbal contracts, all calls are recorded and logged.
HOW WE USE YOUR INFO: We use Personal Information to
(a) provide you with Service, (b) process and respond to
inquiries, (c) improve the Service, (d) if necessary, contact you
with important announcements or messages, (e) conduct research,
(f) provide anonymous reporting for internal and external clients
and partners, and (g) provide information to law enforcement or
legal teams if need be.
This Policy does not apply to information we may collect through
any other means, including on any other website operated by a
separate company or any third party, including our partners,
affiliates and subsidiaries, as applicable.
SMS / TEXT: It is not the norm for us to use SMS to solicit or advertise. We
generally only utilize SMS/TEXT with you in the event we cannot
reach you by the voice phone number you gave us during the
scheduling process. In this case we will reach out to you by
SMS/TEXT as well as email. The week prior to your event, for
example, we will reach out to you to go over the final details of
your party. If we are unable to reach you, we try SMS/TEXT and
email. In the event we receive an SMS/TEXT from you, we will
reply, and if it is regarding services, in that case we may
solicit services since it is the appropriate response to your
SMS/TEXT inquiry. Messaging frequency may vary. As stated above,
we’re very big on privacy, and so your SMS content and phone
numbers will NEVER be shared with third parties/affiliates for
marketing purposes. Message and data rates may apply. To opt out
at any time, text STOP. For assistance, text HELP or visit this
website at ColorsParty.com.
PHOTOS: The original purpose of Colors was to create
a space for families to celebrate together and make memories, and
do so in such a manner that the individuals planning the event
need to do nothing but sit back and enjoy the celebration. Colors
events are meant to be for everyone, both the parents and the
adults. For this reason we have always offered our photo program,
which since 2012 has been free for most types of parties. At the
beginning of your party, before the majority of guests arrive, we
will take your family photos. We will continue to take photos of
the party for approximately another 90 minutes. As photos are
being taken, they are displayed non-stop in a slideshow on screens
throughout the facility for your friends and family to enjoy.
Then, before the end of your party, all of the photos we took will
be edited and sorted and posted to our Facebook page for you and
your family to download and/or share. You can see examples of such
pictures by visiting our Facebook page (opens in new tab) at https://facebook.com/ColorsBirthdayPartyPlace
For privacy reasons each post has only the age and first name of
the birthday person, and their city and state. If it is an
organization, each post has only the organization name, the event
name(such as “summer camp”), and their city and state. For
privacy purposes tagging is disabled on our Facebook page, and no
other identifying information is posted. Because Colors is a
public space and no identifiers are listed for the guests present,
individual permissions are not required by us from those in
attendance. When you schedule your event at Colors, AT THAT TIME,
during your verbal recorded contract, this photo program is
explained. It will then be at the discretion of the party
planner(you) to inform your guests of the photo program. Again, as
Colors is a public space, and YOU are holding a party here, we are
not legally required to get individual permissions. And you give
us yours by scheduling a party with us.
OPTING OUT OF PHOTOS: You can opt out of our photo
program, but it must be done prior to your actual party date. For
example, during the scheduling process you can opt out, or you can
call as late as the day prior to your party to opt out, but you
canNOT inform us the day of your party you wish to opt out. Keep
in mind that opting out of the photo program means opting out of
us providing a photographer completely, not just the posting to
Facebook. Regarding privacy, also keep in mind that tens of
thousands of photos from thousands of different parties are
currently on our Facebook page. Your party will be on top only for
a few hours, that is until the next party, and then in the time of
just a week it will quickly get buried under many other parties.
Again for a better understanding see our Facebook page, its sole
purpose is for families to share memories, it's what we're all
If you do choose to opt out of our photo program, it is
recommended that you inform your guests that we will not be taking
photos, as hundreds of regulars to Colors come to parties thinking
they do not need to take photos of their kids since they will be
able to see them all later online.
While photos are always free to download or share from our
Facebook page, we (a) retain ownership of the photos we take, (b)
may use the photos for marketing purposes, and (c) offer to sell
them on USB drives, as many families purchase these drives wanting
photos of their party or of a party they've attended. This is
especially popular for those who do not use Facebook.
We’ve all heard people say, “We should get together
more often, we only seem to get together at weddings
and funerals”. That’s the spark that started the idea
for Colors back in 1994.
Decades ago kids had parties at home and a few friends
came over. Nowadays parents drop kids off at party
places, and don’t even stay. We wanted to design a
family-centered party center where family members, & the
parents could enjoy the celebration of a Birthday just
as much as the kids, if not more. The entire purpose of
Colors from the beginning was to make an all-inclusive
party center that handled everything so that that the
parents could sit back and relax and enjoy the
celebration. While our parties are planned to encourage
parents and adults to participate, it is not required.
Some parties have a majority of kids attending, while
others have a majority of adults in attendance. And
while some parties have adults dancing and participating
with the kids non-stop, other parties have just the kids
on the floor. Every family is unique. Colors is
designed to facilitate conversations between parents and
family members by having everything in one room. This
way once a parent sits down, they can always see
everything, their child is never out of their sight,
they do not have to get up to follow them. This allows
for longer and more meaningful conversations between
family members.
We also take constant photos of everything going on at
the party and keep these photos displaying on the screens
throughout the party room for all to enjoy & later share.
Then these photos are posted to our Facebook page before
the party ends, so that those who dropped their kids off
can see what they missed, and hopefully decide next time
to come in and stay for the celebration.
Our price structure is a flat rate so that all family members
can be invited. Our hope is that most Colors parties don’t
just invite individual kids, but entire families.
If we charged a per-person fee, we know that certain
people wouldn’t get invited. And again, the purpose of
Colors existence is to support family interactions and
to facilitate deep meaningful relationships. It’s all
about people. This is also why we do NOT offer online
scheduling, we want personal relationships with our
customers. Again, it’s all about people.
Our staff and volunteers at Colors all have it as their
mission to help families celebrate. No one works or
volunteers at Colors because they cannot find something
better to do, it’s like their mission. When people come
to us asking for a job, not being familiar with our
program, the answer is always no. To work at Colors,
whether paid or volunteer, staff members must be
committed to making a difference in the world, through
our little way of bringing people together. Our staff
specifically wants to work with families and kids. We
have 4 volunteers who have been with us over 25 years,
and 5 who have been here over 10. We're very blessed.